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Drawing a Portrait - The Proportions

There are several helpful tips for drawing a portrait with proportions as realistic as possible: The drawn portrait should be able to be divided into three equal tiers. The first one consists of the distance between chin and nose, the second one is the distance between the point of the nose and the eyebrows and the third one comprises the forehead. A fourth and slightly smaller tier consists of the area close to the hairline. The fourth tier is half as wide as the others ones.

The ears of the drawn portrait are positioned in the second tier and their height almost completely matches the height of the whole tier. The portrait’s eyes should be placed exactly in the middle of the face, so that another eye could be drawn between the eyes. The lower lip’s position is placed in the middle of the lowest tier. This causes the entire mouth to be placed in the upper area of the lowest tier. The width of the chin approximately matches the width of one eye, but this factor differs in every peron. Generally, you can say that men have a wider chin than women.

annayzoman (Pixabay)

Posted in Creativity, Sketching on Jul 05, 2019