News blog - artistravel international

Just Our Cup of Tea!

A couple of days ago, I came across a tip that suggested painting on tea bags. I was hooked. How cool is that! Perfect for travelling: Sit in a cafè, order a tea, and there's your canvas. Simple, portable, and pretty unique. So, I thought, is anybody doing this?

As it turns out, Ruby Silvious is. Using watercolour, ink, and gouache, she creates delicate, detailed paintings on used, empty tea bags. Apparently, camomile tea bags don't make a great canvas, but rooibos ones do - if you want to try this at home.

Ruby's coffee table book "363 Days of Tea" contains the entire collection of tea bag art, and I for one can't wait to delve into it.

The book is available on Ruby's website, where you can also browse art she created whilst in Japan and France.

Happy reading!

All images Ruby Silvious. Used with permission.

All images Ruby Silvious. Used with permission.
All images Ruby Silvious. Used with permission.

Posted in Creativity, Painting on Mar 09, 2018