Anita van Overmeeren

The visual arts teacher Anita van Overmeeren graduated in 2007 from the Amsterdam School of the Arts.
To her, teaching art can be divided in two parts: the creative part and the skills part.

The creative part is all about what story you want to share and what do you feel is important to express in your art work?
During the art classes Anita will guide you through your search for personal answers to these kinds of questions.
Answers you will find in using various materials and different designs. This search will result in your own style of art, telling the story that you want to share.

The skills part is about art techniques. As a child Anita watched her mother behind the sewing machine with sheer fascination.
It was intriguing to see her mother sewing so quickly and accurately one curtain after the other.
She made complicated dungarees, jackets and lovely dresses for Anita and her sisters. Back then Anita already knew that, once the technique is in your fingers, you will enjoy designing whatever you like and then simply make it!

Just like her mother took her sewing skills to a higher level, Anita likes to help people take their art skills to a higher level.
Experiencing that somebody is cutting the mustard during her workshops, is one of the many little presents she gets whilst teaching.